All posts tagged: Fell running

Quick Links — Week 22

«Draw­ing data: I make art from the bod­i­ly expe­ri­ence of long-dis­tance run­ning» — Cher­ine Fahd, The Con­ver­sa­tion «Run­ners tend to stick to the same pace regard­less of how far they’re run­ning, finds new research» — Jen­ny Bozon, Run­ner’s World «Extreme Weath­er and Ter­rain: A Trail Runner’s How-To» — Meghan Hicks and Bry­on Pow­ell, iRun­Far «What Your Old Sneak­ers Can Tell You About Your Gait, Accord­ing to a Podi­a­trist» — Amber Say­er, Well+Good «DOG TRIED TO EAT MY GoPro! // Fell Run­ning in The Lake Dis­trict with Jacob Tonkin» — Stephen J Reid, YouTube Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.