All posts tagged: Genetics

Quick Links — Week 10

«Lul­ule­mon launch­es into footwear as it seeks to take on indus­try giants like Nike, Adi­das» — Lau­ren Thomas, CNBC «Set­ting a goal — Make run­ning a habit» — Polar, YouTube «How Self-Talk May Influ­ence Long-Term Adap­ta­tion» — David Roche, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine «The Restora­tive Joy of Cycling» — Clive Thomp­son «10 Rea­sons To Run… Slow­er?» — Glob­al Triathlon Net­work, YouTube «Your Run­ning Injury Ques­tions, Answered» — Talya Mins­berg, The New York Times «How Apple could make the Air­Pods Pro 2 per­fect run­ning ear­buds» — Michael Sawh, TechRadar «What you eat can repro­gram your genes – an expert explains the emerg­ing sci­ence of nutrige­nomics» — Mon­i­ca Dus, The Con­ver­sa­tion «The Kil­i­man­jaro Trail Run is a World-Class Event and a Force for Good» — Endurance Sports­wire «What is sleep hygiene?» — Gavin New­sham, Live Sci­ence Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.