All posts filed under: Running

A man is running in the park.

Unlocking Ideas

Have you ever had an idea while you were run­ning? If so, you’re not alone. Like tak­ing a show­er or going for a walk, run­ning is one of those activ­i­ties that stim­u­late cre­ativ­i­ty. «The hours we spend on our feet have a way of unlock­ing ideas that would oth­er­wise be out of reach,» so it says in a text about the «Track­smith Fel­low­ship». The inde­pen­dent run­ning brand from New Eng­land has designed this pro­gram to sup­port run­ners with cre­ative ambi­tions. But why?

A woman is running in a park.

Why exercise plays a crucial role in Covid recovery

For many peo­ple the Coro­na pan­dem­ic is hit­ting clos­er to home. In the last weeks I have come across a lot of Insta­gram posts by run­ners who have con­tract­ed with the virus or who are instruct­ed to quar­an­tine them­selves. And while most peo­ple who catch the dis­ease expe­ri­ence mild symp­toms, many report feel­ing short of breath and slug­gish for weeks after­ward. But you all know what run­ners are like: they want to return to track or trail, and that soon­er rather than lat­er. I have found sev­er­al arti­cles pro­vid­ing tipps for your come­back after infec­tion. First, the good news: the two go togeth­er, «exer­cise plays a cru­cial role in recov­ery,» as Manuela Callari writes in a piece for The Guardian: «Sleep and rest help your immune sys­tem to fight the dis­ease but it is crit­i­cal to start mov­ing again to avoid fur­ther weak­en­ing of your body about sev­en days after the major symp­toms have disappeared.»

Nurmi, right, and Joie Ray, left, with U.S. President Calvin Coolidge during Nurmi's 1925 U.S. tour.

Records as Toys

It’s no secret that I have a crush on Fin­land and there­fore devour every arti­cle I can find about this coun­try. When, in addi­tion, jour­nal­ists write about Fin­land and run­ning, I am hooked. So let me rec­om­mend a piece writ­ten by Liam Boy­lan-Pett for the Løpe Mag­a­zine about an inim­itable run­ner from the north, Paa­vo Nur­mi, and his U.S. tour in 1924 and 1925. Boy­lan-Pett recon­structs his jour­ney and all the races he ran. Like this one in the Madi­son Square Gar­den in New York.