Author: Trotzendorff

Marije Kruis, founder of the "Spot the Dot" initiative, captured in black and white.

«A simple act can save your life»

Skin can­cer is an under­rat­ed but life-threat­en­ing dan­ger that can hit anyone—no mat­ter your age, gen­der, or skin col­or. As some­one at risk, I’m espe­cial­ly com­mit­ted to rais­ing aware­ness about this dis­ease. That’s why I’ve been sup­port­ing the «Spot the Dot» ini­tia­tive for a while now. It shines a light on skin can­cer through events, col­lab­o­ra­tions, or exhi­bi­tions. I recent­ly talked with Mar­i­je, the founder of Spot the Dot, about her per­son­al expe­ri­ence with skin can­cer, the chal­lenges she faced start­ing the ini­tia­tive, cul­tur­al dif­fer­ences in how skin can­cer is per­ceived, and the cre­ative ways she’s bring­ing atten­tion to the issue. Our con­ver­sa­tion high­lights just how cru­cial it is to take skin can­cer seri­ous­ly and how we can all play a part in prevention.

Beyond Resolutions: Why I Have no Idea Where This Progress is Coming From

New Year’s res­o­lu­tions are a curi­ous thing. Lucky for me, I don’t real­ly need them to aim for more or less in my life. For instance, I don’t have to push myself to exer­cise; it’s such a nat­ur­al part of my dai­ly rou­tine that it’s not even nec­es­sary. But of course, I have goals and desires too. Like run­ning pain-free – after near­ly two years of a nag­ging Achilles ten­don. Or build­ing strength – after tear­ing my bicep ten­don last fall, it’s not just a wish, but a necessity. 

A man leans on his arm, revealing the agony of a headache.

A Hangover Called 2023

When it comes to run­ning, the years of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic were actu­al­ly pret­ty good for me. Not that I enjoyed the lock­downs, and I don’t want to down­play the suf­fer­ing of so many peo­ple and the con­se­quences. But when it comes to the flex­i­bil­i­ty of work and the rise of remote work, I have to say, all of that had a pos­i­tive impact on my train­ing. I could run more reg­u­lar­ly, be more flex­i­ble, and, as a result, more consistent. 

A female runner is running on a path in the mountains amidst a yellow-green meadow.

Intuitive Running

I don’t want to run like this any­more. It’s not doing me any good. More than that: it’s jeop­ar­diz­ing my health. I’m jeop­ar­diz­ing my health. And my joy of run­ning is at risk too. I owe this real­iza­tion to a gad­get, not my own insight. But let’s start from the beginning.