Author: Trotzendorff

Program code is projected on a woman's face.

«Running is about finding joy in the journey»

In the world of run­ning, trends come and go, but some have the pow­er to shape the future of the sport. From the grow­ing focus on recov­ery and self-care to the con­tro­ver­sial debate around trail run­ning and mega events, there is no short­age of top­ics to explore. In this inter­view with Chat­G­PT*, a cut­t­ing-edge AI lan­guage mod­el, we delve into the lat­est trends and hot-but­­ton issues in run­ning, and dis­cuss the poten­tial impact of tech­nol­o­gy on per­for­mance opti­miza­tion. But beyond the data and ana­lyt­ics, we also touch on a more fun­da­men­tal ques­tion: what does it mean to find joy in run­ning, and how can we strike a bal­ance between the pur­suit of excel­lence and the intrin­sic val­ue of the sport? Join us on this thought-pro­­vok­ing jour­ney into the heart of run­ning, and dis­cov­er what the future might hold for this endur­ing passion.

A person wearing running shoes is sitting on the floor, only the upper legs visible.

Only assholes do that

As I step out into the chilly air, I can feel the weight of the past year bear­ing down on my shoul­ders. My Achilles ten­don still aches, a con­stant reminder of the injury that has slowed me down for so long. And yet, despite the pain and the set­backs, I lace up my shoes and begin to run. It’s the first day of a new year, and I am deter­mined to make it a suc­cess­ful one.

Quick Links — Week 45

«This queer run­ner just made his­to­ry, and knows how to rock a har­ness» — Dan Trac­er, Queer­ty «9 Tasty Pro­tein Pow­der Recipes To Boost Your Pro­tein Intake» — Amber Say­er, Marathon Hand­book «Run­ner Kris­sy Moehl On How to Embrace Get­ting Old­er» — Jen­nifer Kuhns, Wom­en’s Run­ning «Run­ning 55km for a Pho­to — Trail Run­ning in Mount Assini­boine» — Simon Ennals, YouTube « ‹An inor­di­nate impact›: cli­mate cri­sis leaves its foot­print on trail run­ning» — Jo Khan, The Guardian Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 43

«NNor­mal Kjer­ag Full Review — Kil­ian Jor­nets trail run­ning shoe» — Run­ning with Marc, YouTube « ‹Push the bound­aries›: Aus­tralian ultra­run­ner on pace to break dai­ly marathon world record» — Don­na Lu, The Guardian «I just ran my first marathon. Here are the 20 prod­ucts that got me through my train­ing» — Jil­lian Tra­cy, CNN «What Love Has to Do With Run­ning After 50» — Sarah Humphrey, Trail Sis­ters «For Ukrain­ian Run­ners, a Bru­tal Race Made Sense When Lit­tle Else Did» — Jared Beasley, The New York Times «How to Make Your Own Ener­gy Gels» — Becky Wade, Out­side Mag­a­zine  «Present — Redis­cov­er­ing the joy of run­ning» — Suun­to, YouTube «Run­ning doesn’t wreck your knees. It strength­ens them.» — Gretchen Reynolds, The Wash­ing­ton Post  Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 42

«Fol­low­ing Trails Through An Unsta­ble Future» — Astra Lin­coln, Trail­run­ner Mag­a­zine «Why I Love My Local Gear Shop (More Than Any Big-Box Store)» — Jakob Schiller, Out­side Mag­a­zine «The 9 Longest Trails In The World» — Amber Say­er, Marathon Hand­book «Fall is a great time to try trail run­ning. Here’s how to get start­ed» — David Glad­ish, The Seat­tle Times «Is Run­ning Car­dio?» — Lizzy Den­ing, Live Sci­ence «I Run With Noth­ing But Cof­fee In My Stom­ach. Is That Destroy­ing My Insides?» — Alex Bor­suk Hasenohr, Trail­run­ner Mag­a­zine «Cat Bradley | Reflec­tions On Pro­fes­sion­al Trail Run­ning» — Sin­gle­track Pod­cast, YouTube «The Sober Life» — Emi­ly Rudow Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.