All posts tagged: Recovery

Quick Links — Week 24

«THE COLORADO CRUSH: 63 Days of Endurance | Ultra Run­ning Doc­u­men­tary» — The Auda­cious Report, YouTube «British endurance run­ner wins 22-mile race against horse» — Sana Noor Haq, CNN «Your Watch Doesn’t Know How Much Recov­ery You Need» — Alex Hutchin­son, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine «Dif­fer­ences in stress response between two alti­tudes assessed by sali­vary cor­ti­sol lev­els with­in cir­ca­di­an rhythms in long-dis­tance run­ners» — Kat­suhiko Tsunekawa, Kazu­mi Ushi­ki, Larasati Martha, Asu­ka Nakaza­wa, Rika Hasegawa, Risa Shimizu, Nozo­mi Shi­mo­da, Aki­hi­ro Yoshi­da, Kiy­o­mi Naka­ji­ma, Takao Kimu­ra & Masa­mi Muraka­mi, Sci­en­tif­ic Reports «Beyond Pas­ta: The New Rules of Carb Load­ing» — Scott Tin­dal, Wom­en’s Run­ning «New! Stra­va is now your go-to for all things trail» — The Stra­va Club Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 11

«How to per­form a trig­ger point mas­sage» — Louise Bond, Live Sci­ence «Stop Try­ing to Become a Run­ner. There’s Noth­ing Wrong With Jog­ging.» — Tan­ner Gar­ri­ty, Insid­e­Hook «Com­mon Run­ning Mis­takes! 5 Things I Wish I Knew Ear­li­er!» — Göran Win­blad, YouTube «Trail-Run­ning: Tips to Start Strong» — Shawn Richard, The Good Men Project «Injury risk in trail run­ning is asso­ci­at­ed with extrin­sic and intrin­sic fac­tors» — Nicholas Ng Fat Hing and Avneesh Bhangu, 2 minute med­i­cine «Run­ning injuries don’t hap­pen for the rea­sons you think – here’s the three best ways to pre­vent them» — The Con­ver­sa­tion «Once And For All: Here’s How You Should Poop In The Woods» — Rea­gan Coly­er, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 8

«Why we run: 19 inspir­ing run­ners share their rea­sons for run­ning» — Joe Mack­ie, Run­ner’s World UK «How to train your men­tal mus­cle» — Mar­ley Dick­in­son, Cana­di­an Run­ning Mag­a­zine «For­ev­er Grate­ful: A Pro­file of Emi­ly Haw­good» — Alex Pot­ter, iRun­Far «Does sleep­ing burn calo­ries?» — Kirsty Welsh, Live Sci­ence «The 4 Types of Bread the Longest-Liv­ing Peo­ple on the Plan­et Eat Every Day» — Isado­ra Baum, Well+Good «Best Post-Run Recov­ery Tips by Com­mu­ni­ty Run­ners» — RunSo­ci­ety «How to Use Thresh­old Work­outs in Your Train­ing» — Lau­ra Nor­ris Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

A woman is running in a park.

Why exercise plays a crucial role in Covid recovery

For many peo­ple the Coro­na pan­dem­ic is hit­ting clos­er to home. In the last weeks I have come across a lot of Insta­gram posts by run­ners who have con­tract­ed with the virus or who are instruct­ed to quar­an­tine them­selves. And while most peo­ple who catch the dis­ease expe­ri­ence mild symp­toms, many report feel­ing short of breath and slug­gish for weeks after­ward. But you all know what run­ners are like: they want to return to track or trail, and that soon­er rather than lat­er. I have found sev­er­al arti­cles pro­vid­ing tipps for your come­back after infec­tion. First, the good news: the two go togeth­er, «exer­cise plays a cru­cial role in recov­ery,» as Manuela Callari writes in a piece for The Guardian: «Sleep and rest help your immune sys­tem to fight the dis­ease but it is crit­i­cal to start mov­ing again to avoid fur­ther weak­en­ing of your body about sev­en days after the major symp­toms have disappeared.»