All posts tagged: Ultra running

Quick Links — Week 43

«NNor­mal Kjer­ag Full Review — Kil­ian Jor­nets trail run­ning shoe» — Run­ning with Marc, YouTube « ‹Push the bound­aries›: Aus­tralian ultra­run­ner on pace to break dai­ly marathon world record» — Don­na Lu, The Guardian «I just ran my first marathon. Here are the 20 prod­ucts that got me through my train­ing» — Jil­lian Tra­cy, CNN «What Love Has to Do With Run­ning After 50» — Sarah Humphrey, Trail Sis­ters «For Ukrain­ian Run­ners, a Bru­tal Race Made Sense When Lit­tle Else Did» — Jared Beasley, The New York Times «How to Make Your Own Ener­gy Gels» — Becky Wade, Out­side Mag­a­zine  «Present — Redis­cov­er­ing the joy of run­ning» — Suun­to, YouTube «Run­ning doesn’t wreck your knees. It strength­ens them.» — Gretchen Reynolds, The Wash­ing­ton Post  Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 41

«In a New Non­bi­na­ry Cat­e­go­ry, One Marathon­er Final­ly Feels at Home» — Kurt Streeter, The New York Times «8 Train­ing Take­aways From Court­ney Dauwal­ter, Ultra Leg­end» — David Roche, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine «An Ultramarathoner’s Hun­dred-Mile Run for Men­tal-Health Aware­ness» — The New York­er, YouTube «Alek­san­dr Sorokin Smash­es 24-Hour World Record With 198.6 Mile/319.6 Kilo­me­ter Run» — Bry­on Pow­ell, iRun­Far Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 35

«Inside the Pain Cave With Ultra­run­ning Goat Court­ney Dauwal­ter» — Mirin Fad­er, The Ringer «Ryan Sandes› Ode to Fail­ure: Life Lessons from Run­ning» — Salomon TV, YouTube «The sto­ry of PAOS and the ASICS logo» — LogoArchive «700 Sum­mits & the FKT: Trail Run­ner Shares His Green Moun­tain Obses­sion» — Jil­li Cluff, Gear­Junkie «He qual­i­fied for the Boston Marathon while run­ning in prison. Now, he’s a free man with big­ger goals» — CBS Morn­ings, YouTube «Six Tips for Hill Train­ing With­out Hills» — Doni Per­ry, Trail Sis­ters «An Intro­duc­to­ry Guide to Foot Care for Run­ning» — Meghan Hicks and Bry­on Pow­ell, iRun­Far «Rep­re­sent­ing a Nation on TV, and a Run­ning Team on Insta­gram» — Kevin Drap­er, The New York Times Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 29

«The Ulti­mate Guide to Heart Rate Vari­abil­i­ty (HRV): Part 1» — Mar­co Alti­ni, «100-Year-Old Marathon Run­ner Shares His Secret To Longevi­ty» — James Booth, D’Marge «Con­tent­ment» — Sab­ri­na Lit­tle, iRun­Far «How Sebas­t­ian Sals­bury Finds Free­dom In Trail Run­ning Through San­ta Bar­bara» — Diego San­doval, Noozhawk «Is This the Nut­ti­est FKT… Ever?» — Isabel­la Rosario, Out­side Mag­a­zine «How to avoid run­ning injuries» — Run with Anna, YouTube «The Ulti­mate Guide to Uphill Trail Run­ning» — Alex Hutchin­son, Out­side Mag­a­zine «She’s 37. A mom of two. And America’s fastest female marathon­er.» — Car­o­line Pine­da, The Wash­ing­ton Post «Fred­er­ic­ton ultra-long dis­tance run­ner com­pletes two giant races, two weeks apart» — Jan Lakes, CBC «This Trans Trail-Run­ning Team Is Con­fronting Hatred with Joy» — Out­side Mag­a­zine «Build­ing a Run­ning Com­mu­ni­ty with Iman Wilk­er­son» — Wild Ideas Worth Liv­ing, Spo­ti­fy Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 27

«Going to Exhaus­tion. Even When You Aren’t Pre­pared.» — Steve Mag­ness, The Sci­ence of Run­ning «The Race to the Start Line: Return­ing to Run­ning After Hav­ing Covid-19» — Talya Mins­berg, The New York Times «Run­ning has taught me some impor­tant life lessons» — Audrey Dana­her, The Globe and Mail «How to run 100K (in 20 steps)» — Kee­ley Milne, Can­na­di­an Run­ning Mag­a­zine «6 rea­sons why trail run­ning is worth adding to your work­out rou­tine» — Spencer McK­ee, Out­There Col­orado «Women Run the World: Aoife Cooke Would Love for Her Sex­u­al­i­ty to be Irrel­e­vant» — Cathal Den­nehy, Wom­en’s Run­ning «Alter­na­tives to UTMB – The Oth­er Epic Moun­tain Races in Europe» — Helen Dixon, Trail & Kale Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.