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A man is sitting in a grainfield practicing breathing techniques.

A method worth exploring?

It’s been a strange irony that I, lying in my bed, should stum­ble upon a book that deals so inti­mate­ly with the very thing that had brought me low. Covid had robbed me of my strength and left me short of breath, and yet it was in the midst of this strug­gle that I found dis­trac­tion and, yes, a tune up.

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Program code is projected on a woman's face.

«Running is about finding joy in the journey»

In the world of run­ning, trends come and go, but some have the pow­er to shape the future of the sport. From the grow­ing focus on recov­ery and self-care to the con­tro­ver­sial debate around trail run­ning and mega events, there is no short­age of top­ics to explore. In this inter­view with Chat­G­PT*, a cut­ting-edge AI lan­guage mod­el, we delve into the lat­est trends and hot-but­ton issues in run­ning, and dis­cuss the poten­tial impact of tech­nol­o­gy on per­for­mance opti­miza­tion. But beyond the data and ana­lyt­ics, we also touch on a more fun­da­men­tal ques­tion: what does it mean to find joy in run­ning, and how can we strike a bal­ance between the pur­suit of excel­lence and the intrin­sic val­ue of the sport? Join us on this thought-pro­vok­ing jour­ney into the heart of run­ning, and dis­cov­er what the future might hold for this endur­ing passion.

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A person wearing running shoes is sitting on the floor, only the upper legs visible.

Only assholes do that

As I step out into the chilly air, I can feel the weight of the past year bear­ing down on my shoul­ders. My Achilles ten­don still aches, a con­stant reminder of the injury that has slowed me down for so long. And yet, despite the pain and the set­backs, I lace up my shoes and begin to run. It’s the first day of a new year, and I am deter­mined to make it a suc­cess­ful one.

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Quick Links — Week 45

«This queer runner just made history, and knows how to rock a harness»

— Dan Trac­er, Queerty

«9 Tasty Protein Powder Recipes To Boost Your Protein Intake»

— Amber Say­er, Marathon Handbook

«Runner Krissy Moehl On How to Embrace Getting Older»

— Jen­nifer Kuhns, Wom­en’s Running

«Running 55km for a Photo — Trail Running in Mount Assiniboine»

— Simon Ennals, YouTube

« ‹An inordinate impact›: climate crisis leaves its footprint on trail running»

— Jo Khan, The Guardian

Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 43

«NNormal Kjerag Full Review — Kilian Jornets trail running shoe»

— Run­ning with Marc, YouTube

« ‹Push the boundaries›: Australian ultrarunner on pace to break daily marathon world record»

— Don­na Lu, The Guardian

«I just ran my first marathon. Here are the 20 products that got me through my training»

— Jil­lian Tra­cy, CNN

«What Love Has to Do With Running After 50»

— Sarah Humphrey, Trail Sisters

«For Ukrainian Runners, a Brutal Race Made Sense When Little Else Did»

— Jared Beasley, The New York Times

«How to Make Your Own Energy Gels»

— Becky Wade, Out­side Magazine 

«Present — Rediscovering the joy of running»

— Suun­to, YouTube

«Running doesn’t wreck your knees. It strengthens them.»

— Gretchen Reynolds, The Wash­ing­ton Post 

Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.