All posts tagged: Outdoors

A hiker is standing on a trail in the mountains.

The North Face is looking for «driven athletes» for their development program

A lot of sports and out­door com­pa­nies have built up team­like communities—like Asics’ Fron­tRun­ners or On’s Run­ning Crew. Most of them sup­port their mem­bers with events or gear and excpect them to be brand ambas­sadors in return. The North Face now has set up such a pro­gramm too, which, how­ev­er, has a slight­ly dif­fer­ent focus.

Quick Links — Week 11

«How to per­form a trig­ger point mas­sage» — Louise Bond, Live Sci­ence «Stop Try­ing to Become a Run­ner. There’s Noth­ing Wrong With Jog­ging.» — Tan­ner Gar­ri­ty, Insid­e­Hook «Com­mon Run­ning Mis­takes! 5 Things I Wish I Knew Ear­li­er!» — Göran Win­blad, YouTube «Trail-Run­ning: Tips to Start Strong» — Shawn Richard, The Good Men Project «Injury risk in trail run­ning is asso­ci­at­ed with extrin­sic and intrin­sic fac­tors» — Nicholas Ng Fat Hing and Avneesh Bhangu, 2 minute med­i­cine «Run­ning injuries don’t hap­pen for the rea­sons you think – here’s the three best ways to pre­vent them» — The Con­ver­sa­tion «Once And For All: Here’s How You Should Poop In The Woods» — Rea­gan Coly­er, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.