All posts tagged: Gadgets

Program code is projected on a woman's face.

«Running is about finding joy in the journey»

In the world of run­ning, trends come and go, but some have the pow­er to shape the future of the sport. From the grow­ing focus on recov­ery and self-care to the con­tro­ver­sial debate around trail run­ning and mega events, there is no short­age of top­ics to explore. In this inter­view with Chat­G­PT*, a cut­t­ing-edge AI lan­guage mod­el, we delve into the lat­est trends and hot-but­­ton issues in run­ning, and dis­cuss the poten­tial impact of tech­nol­o­gy on per­for­mance opti­miza­tion. But beyond the data and ana­lyt­ics, we also touch on a more fun­da­men­tal ques­tion: what does it mean to find joy in run­ning, and how can we strike a bal­ance between the pur­suit of excel­lence and the intrin­sic val­ue of the sport? Join us on this thought-pro­­vok­ing jour­ney into the heart of run­ning, and dis­cov­er what the future might hold for this endur­ing passion.

A woman is holding a towel while excercising.

Three running gadgets and technologies that cought my attention lately

While it’s true you don’t need any tech or gad­gets to run, there are a lot of them out there that are fun to use or can pro­vide you with data, moti­vat­ing insights or that can enrich your work­out. I’ve come across three gad­gets and new tech­nolo­gies late­ly that caught my atten­tion — and that I’d like to briefly intro­duce to you. Whoop 4.0 Descrip­tion: the Whoop 4.0 is a fit­ness track­er that col­lects data about recov­ery, strain and sleep per­for­mance. «From these fig­ures, it offers advice on how you should bal­ance your train­ing and rest to achieve peak ath­let­ic per­for­mance,» Har­ry Bull­more writes on Live­Science. What sounds like any oth­er fit­ness track­er on the mar­ket, has its USPs: the band itself is screen­less, IP68 dust­proof and water-resis­­tant at depths of up to 10 meters for two hours. The lack of GPS might be anoth­er con for some of us, but on the data sight the Whoop is show­ing off, as «it is the mul­ti-dimen­­sion­al approach to cal­cu­lat­ing recov­ery that is the jew­el in the Whoop …