All posts tagged: Science

Quick Links — Week 25

«This Is Why They All Hate Run­ning» — Göran Win­blad, YouTube «The Desire to Quit is Nor­mal. Here’s What We Do About It.» — Steve Mag­ness, The Sci­ence of Run­ning «What pub­lic health gets wrong by focus­ing on weight» — Car­rie Den­nett, The Seat­tle Times «What real­ly mat­ters when choos­ing an ath­let­ic shoe, accord­ing to experts» — Melanie Radz­ic­ki McManus, CNN «Ready to Tack­le the Trails? Start Here» — Emi­ly Hal­non, Wom­en’s Run­ning «I’m Nev­er Going to Be Fast Again, but I’m Still in Love with Run­ning» — Cait Chock, Out­side Mag­a­zine «Apple WatchOS 9 Run­ning Pow­er Com­par­i­son & Tests!» — DC Rain­mak­er, YouTube «How Much Data Is Too Much?» — Ash­ley Mateo, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 24

«THE COLORADO CRUSH: 63 Days of Endurance | Ultra Run­ning Doc­u­men­tary» — The Auda­cious Report, YouTube «British endurance run­ner wins 22-mile race against horse» — Sana Noor Haq, CNN «Your Watch Doesn’t Know How Much Recov­ery You Need» — Alex Hutchin­son, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine «Dif­fer­ences in stress response between two alti­tudes assessed by sali­vary cor­ti­sol lev­els with­in cir­ca­di­an rhythms in long-dis­tance run­ners» — Kat­suhiko Tsunekawa, Kazu­mi Ushi­ki, Larasati Martha, Asu­ka Nakaza­wa, Rika Hasegawa, Risa Shimizu, Nozo­mi Shi­mo­da, Aki­hi­ro Yoshi­da, Kiy­o­mi Naka­ji­ma, Takao Kimu­ra & Masa­mi Muraka­mi, Sci­en­tif­ic Reports «Beyond Pas­ta: The New Rules of Carb Load­ing» — Scott Tin­dal, Wom­en’s Run­ning «New! Stra­va is now your go-to for all things trail» — The Stra­va Club Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 23

«Resis­tance Band Work­outs for Run­ners» — Lau­ra Nor­ris Run­ning «Run­ning Out, Lucy Bartholomew run­ning the 231km Lara­p­in­ta Trail in Aus­tralia» — Salomon TV, YouTube «New Study Shows What Hap­pens To Your Body Post-Ultra» — David Roche, Trail Run­ner Mag­a­zine «How to Nail an Effec­tive Cool-Down Rou­tine» — Mered­ith Butulis, Wom­en’s Run­ning «How To Start Work­ing Out Again: 3 Help­ful Ideas To Kick­start Your Come­back» — Amber Say­er, Marathon Hand­book Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 22

«Draw­ing data: I make art from the bod­i­ly expe­ri­ence of long-dis­tance run­ning» — Cher­ine Fahd, The Con­ver­sa­tion «Run­ners tend to stick to the same pace regard­less of how far they’re run­ning, finds new research» — Jen­ny Bozon, Run­ner’s World «Extreme Weath­er and Ter­rain: A Trail Runner’s How-To» — Meghan Hicks and Bry­on Pow­ell, iRun­Far «What Your Old Sneak­ers Can Tell You About Your Gait, Accord­ing to a Podi­a­trist» — Amber Say­er, Well+Good «DOG TRIED TO EAT MY GoPro! // Fell Run­ning in The Lake Dis­trict with Jacob Tonkin» — Stephen J Reid, YouTube Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.

Quick Links — Week 19

«How To Do Hard Things» — Casey Rosen­gren, Super­or­ga­niz­ers «How Young Is Too Young to Run a Marathon?» — Jonathan van Halem, Life­hack­er «World Moun­tain and Trail Run­ning Cham­pi­onships 2023 award­ed to Inns­bruck & Stubai in Aus­tria» — Gary, «What mus­cles are used for run­ning?» — Gem­ma Har­ris, Live­Science «100-year-old man breaks record at Penn Relay» — ABC News, YouTube «What caus­es mus­cle fatigue?» — Will McAuley, Live­Science «What I Eat in a Day as a Run­ner | Intu­itive Eat­ing + Mind­set Around Food» — Emma Abra­ham­son, YouTube «How math — and eat­ing while run­ning – can help you com­plete your best marathon» — Cameron Cook, The Con­ver­sa­tion «A Beginner’s Guide to Run­ners’ Ter­mi­nol­o­gy» — Mered­ith Dietz, Life­hack­er Quick Links are usu­al­ly added once a week to this blog and cov­er every top­ic possible.